Pink Pine Doily
1st Round: Ch 11, join to form a ring, ch 3, 24 dc in ring, join in 3rd st of ch.
2nd Round: Ch 6, trc in next dc, * ch 2, trc in next dc, repeat from * all around, ch 2, join in 4th st of ch (25 trc).
3rd Round: Sl st into loop, ch 5, dc in same loop, * 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join in 3rd st of ch.
4th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 6, trc in same loop, * 1 trc, ch 2, 1 trc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join in 4th st of ch.
5th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 6, dc in same space, * 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join in 3rd st of ch.
6th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 8, trc in same space, * 1 trc, ch 4, 1 trc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join in 4th st of ch.
7th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 5, dc in same space, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in space between next 2 trc, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending round with 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in last space, join in 3rd st of ch.
8th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 6, trc in same space, * 1 trc, ch 2, 1 trc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join in 4th st of ch.
9th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 6, dc in same space, * 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join.
10th Round: Sl st into loop, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, * ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, 1 trc, ch 4, 1 trc in next loop, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (shell) in next loop, shell in next loop, repeat from * all around ending round with ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, 1 trc, ch 4, 1 trc in next loop, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, shell in next loop, join.
11th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, * ch 2, skip 2 loops, 10 trc in next loop, ch 2, skip 2 loops, shell in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending round to correspond, ch 1, join.
All shells are worked in same manner for remainder of doily.

12th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, * ch 2, 1 trc in each of the next 10 trc with ch 1 between each trc, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending round to correspond, ch 1, join.
13th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 2, sc between 1st 2 trc, *ch 3, sc between next 2 trc, repeat from * 7 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, ch 1, join.
14th Round: SI st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, ch 1, join.
15th Round: Same as last round but having 1 loop less in each pineapple.
16th Round: Same as 15th round but having ch 3 between the 2 shells in each section, ch 3, join.
17th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, 1 trc, ch 3, 1 trc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
18th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 3, shell in next shell, * ch 2, 1 trc, ch 3, 1 trc in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
19th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, * 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * 6 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
20th Round: Sl st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop of pineapple, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, shell next shell, ch 3, skip 1 loop, cluster st in next loop (cluster st: 3 dc in same space keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and pull through all loops at one time), * ch 3, cluster st in next loop, repeat from * 5 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
21st Round: SI st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** ch 3, sc in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 3, shell in next shell, * ch 2, 1 trc, ch 2, 1 trc in next loop, repeat from * 7 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
22nd Round: SI st into shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, ** shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, * 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, repeat from * 14 times, ch 2, skip 1 loop, shell in next shell, repeat from ** around ending round to correspond, join.
23rd Round: SI st into shell, ch 3, cluster st in same space, ** cluster st in next shell, ch 3, skip 1 loop, cluster st in next loop, * ch 3, cluster st in next loop, repeat from * 13 times, ch 3, skip 1 loop, cluster st in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending round to correspond, join.
24th Round: SI st into 2nd loop, ch 4, trc in same space, ch 2, 2 trc in next loop, repeat from * 12 times, skip 2 loops, 2 trc in next loop, repeat from 1st * all around in same manner skipping last 2 loops and joining in 4th st of ch.
25th Round: ** Ch 4, skip 1 loop, * dc in next trc, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, dc in next trc, ch 3, repeat from * 10 times, dc in next trc, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, dc in next trc, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in center space between next 4 trc at base of scallop, repeat from ** all around, join, cut thread.