Comos Doily
The Cosmos Doily is a circular crochet project that incorporates the delicate beauty of the cosmos flower into a decorative doily. The doily typically features a central circular base with intricate motifs resembling the petals of a cosmos flower arranged around it.

AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY The Famous "PURITAN" MERCERIZED CROCHET COTTON, Article 40 2 balls White 1 ball Tinted Pinks and Yellows or colors of your choice or The Famous "PURITAN" STAR SPANGLED MERCERIZED CROCHET COTTON, Article 40 5 balls Gold Spangle 2 balls Pink Spangle Steel Crochet Hook No. 7 App. size: 18" in diameter for "PURITAN", 20" in diameter for "PURITAN" STAR SPANGLED
1st ROUND: With Tinted Pinks and Yellows or Pink Spangle * ch 5, sl st in 5th st from hook for picot, repeat from * 7 times, join, sl st to 1st picot.
2nd ROUND: Ch 4, * thread over hook twice, insert in same picot, pull through and work off 2 loops twice, repeat from twice, thread over and pull through all loops at one time (petal), ch 4, sc in same picot, ch 2, sc in next picot, repeat from beginning until there are 8 petals, ch 2, join, cut thread.
3rd ROUND: Attach White or Gold Spangle in any ch 2 loop between petals, ch 15, sc in same loop, ** ch 1, sc in next ch 2 loop keeping petal to front, * ch 15, sc in same loop, repeat from * once, repeat from ** all around completing 1st loop with ch 7, dtrc (3 times over hook) in 1st loop.
4th ROUND: Ch 3, 2 dc in same loop, * ch 6, 3 dc in next loop, repeat from *all around, ch 6, join in top of ch 3.
5th ROUND: Sl st to 1st dc, * ch 4, 3 dc in next loop, ch 4, sc in center dc of next dc group, repeat from * all around, join.
6th ROUND: Sl st to 2nd dc, * ch 10, sc in center dc of next dc group, repeat from * all around ending with ch 5, dtrc in beginning, this brings thread in position for next round.
7th ROUND: Ch 3, 2 dc in same loop, * ch 9, 3 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 9, join in 1st dc.
8th ROUND: Sl st to center dc, * ch 5, 3 dc in next loop, ch 5, sc in center dc of next dc group, repeat from * all around, join.
9th ROUND: Sl st to 5th st of ch, ch 3, * skip 1 dc, 3 trc in center dc, skip 1 dc, dc in next st of ch, ch 7, skip 4 sts of ch of next loop, dc in next st of ch, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
10th ROUND: Ch 3, 2 trc in next st, 5 trc in next st, 2 trc in next st, dc in next dc, sc in next loop, * dc in 1st dc, 2 trc in next st, 5 trc in next st, 2 trc in next st, dc in next st, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join, Cut thread.
11th ROUND: Attach Tinted Pinks and Yellows or Pink Spangle in any sc, * ch 5, sl st in 5th st from hook for picot, repeat from * 4 times, sc in same sc, ch 5, sl st in back of center trc of scallop, ch 5, sc in next sc, repeat from 1st * all around ending to correspond, join in 1st picot.
12th ROUND: Work a petal same as 2nd round in each of 5 picots, sl st across next 2 loops, sc in next picot, repeat from beginning all around ending to correspond.
13th ROUND: Sl st to top of 1st petal, * ch 5, sl st between petals, ch 5, sl st in top of next petal, ch 5, sl st in 5th st from hook for picot, sl st in top of same petal, repeat from * twice, ch 5, sl st between petals, ch 5, insert hook in top of next petal, under center dc of 9th round in front of work and through the top of next petal of next petal group, pick up thread and sl st through all loops on hook at one time, repeat from 1st * all around ending in same manner, join, cut thread.
14th ROUND: Attach White or Gold Spangle in center trc of 10th round, ch 6, trc in some space, * ch 2, trc in same space, repeat from * 4 times, * ch 2, 7 trc with ch 2 between each trc in center trc of next scallop of 10th round, repeat from * all around, ch 2, join in 4th st of ch.
15th ROUND: Ch 3, dc in next loop, * ch 2, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, skip next ch 2 loop, 2 dc in next loop and continue all around in same manner, join.
16th ROUND: Sl st to loop, ch 3, dc in same loop, * ch 2, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, 2 dc in next loop, continue all around ending in same manner, join.
17th ROUND: Sl st to loop, ch 3, dc in same loop, ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, ** Ch 3, 2 trc between next 2 dc, * ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * once, 2 dc in next loop, ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join.
18th ROUND: Sl st to loop, ch 3, dc in same loop, ** ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, ch 3, 2 trc between next 2 trc, * ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * once, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join.
19th ROUND: Sl st to loop, ch 3, dc in same space, ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, ch 3, 2 trc in next trc, ch 3, 2 dtrc between trc, ch 3, 2 trc in next trc, * ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * once, 2 dc in next loop, ch 3, 2 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join, cut thread.
1st-2nd Rounds:
Same as doily.
3rd ROUND: Attach White or Gold Spangle in any ch 2 loop, * ch 12, sc in same loop, ch 2, sc in next ch 2 loop keeping petal to front, repeat from * all around, join.
4th ROUND: Sl st to center of loop, ch 3, 2 dc in same loop, join motif to last round of doily as follows: ch 2, sl st in 1st loop to left of 2 dtrc of doily, ch 2, 3 dc in same loop of motif, ch 3, 3 dc in next loop of motif, ch 2, 2 dc between center dc groups of doily, ch 2, 3 dc in same loop of motif, ch 3, 3 dc in next loop of motif, ch 2, sl st in loop to right of dtrc of doily, ch 2, 3 dc in same loop of motif, * ch 3, 3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc in next loop of motif, repeat from * all around motif ending to correspond, join, cut thread.
Work a 2nd motif to correspond joining to any ch 5 loop of motif and to doily in same manner. Work 14 more motifs joining last motif to 1st motif to correspond, cut thread.
EDGE: 1st ROUND: Join White or Gold Spangle in loop to left of joining of any 2 motifs, 2 sc over same loop, * ch 2, 3 sc in next loop, ch 2, 7 sc over next loop, ch 2, 3 sc over next loop, ch 2, 7 sc over next loop, ch 2, 3 sc over next loop, ch 2, 7 sc over next loop, ch 2, 3 sc over next loop, ch 2, 2 sc over each of next 2 loops, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
2nd ROUND: Ch 5, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, * ch 4, 3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc in center sc of next sc group, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, sc in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 4, 3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc in center sc of next sc group, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, skip next 3 sc, next loop and next 2 sc, sc between center sc at joining, ch 5, skip next loop, sc in next loop, repeat from 1st * all around ending in same manner, join.
3rd ROUND: Sl st to 1st dc, ch 3, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 2 trc, ch 5, 2 trc in next loop, 1 dc in each of next 3 dc, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, 2 trc, ch 5, 2 trc in next loop, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, Ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip 1 loop, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, 2 trc, ch 5, 2 trc in next loop, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, ch 4, thread over hook, skip 1 loop, insert hook in next loop, pull through 2 loops, thread over hook, insert hook in next loop, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ch 4, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc andcontinue all around in same manner, join.
4th ROUND: Sl st to 1st trc, * ch 3, trc in same space, 2 trc in next trc, sc in next loop, ch 5, sl st in 5th st from hook for picot, sc in same loop, 2 trc in next trc, 1 trc in next trc, ch 3, sl st in same trc, sl st to last dc, ch 4, sl st across next 3 dc, sl st to trc, repeat From * all around ending in some manner, join, cut thread.